Normal Cory's first blog post

What's up every body. This is Normal Cory and I am making my first blog post. Do you like Blogs? I like blogs for specific information. I also have wanted to push myself to do more writing, so here I am.

What do you like in a Blog? What would you like out of my blog? I was thinking that I could talk about fashion design ideas or talk about stuff about music. Ive been really loving learning about fashion design and I've been constantly learning about electronic music for about ten years now.

I would enjoy using these blogs as a teaching tool. I especially love stuff about music history. Here is a really cool video about Moby and his drum machines. I watched this video when I first started making music and it really inspired me as a producer.

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It is really cool what we can achieve as artist with the computer. Though I do not have as many drum machines as Moby I am inspired by his setup. There are many free drum machine vst on the internet that replicate stuff from his setup. If you have any question please reach out and thank you for reading my blog.